Straight out of Chi Town and fresh out of the Bad Girls Club,
TIFFANY is definitely a name to remember. By far my favorite personality of the season, Tiff’s MO of keeping it real was definitely in effect when I met her this weekend. Laid out by the pool on one of LA’s hottest days of the month, she was so warm and friendly upon our greeting one another. We retreated from the heat into an air-conditioned space (thank God!) and the questions began…
Tiffany who is probably portrayed as one of the wildest ones of the bunch seems like the total opposite in our interview. I take that back, Kayla was probably the wildest, who is also in LA is texting Tiffany as we speak, “I still talk to Kayla, I talk to everyone with the exception of 'The Amber’s.' ” If you watched the show you know why….
The season was very entertaining, but I wanted this piece to be about the person, and not the personality. Tiffany is much more than we got to see in the show, which wrapped last October. She is in town for a video shoot with pop artist, Janeen Simone. The single is appropriately titled "
Bad Girl," was featured on the show, but Tiffany's not featured on the track “I cannot sing…I think most people think because I my voice I can sing, but no!” Believe it or not, Tiffany’s heart is in acting. She participated in school plays throughout grade school and college and is now taking the stage as the lead in her hometown of Chicago in the play “
The Mr. and the Mrs,” which will begin production in June.
On the fashion/style tip, Tiffany’s two piece bikini with weaved ribbon accent is cute, but on this hot day it’s the only thing I get to see her in. However, when asked about her everyday style, the self proclaimed girly girl expresses, “It’s all about the shoes, the handbag, and jewelry.” My sentiments exactly! “What’s in between can be whatever, I'm not into brands," explains the boutique shopper. “I like one of a kind pieces that not everyone will have, or they may have made just 5 of them.” Her favorite bag right now? “My big pink Coach bag I got for my birthday, my favorite color is pink,” the Aries expresses. We both busted out in laughter when she shares “I don’t do gym shoes, mmm mmm, no!” While she wasn't specific as to which bag she was talking about I'm thinking it's this one:

Bonnie Foldover Crossbody, $278.00
She has plans to eventually move to Los Angeles, but no time soon. She won’t be leaving behind a boyfriend, as she says she’s currently single but has “friends.” “I want to make sure everything is secure when I come here, but I definitely see it in my future.” Smart girl; L.A. is a rough place for people chasing an empty dream, but I think Miss Tiff will be just fine, her dreams are far from empty and I wish her the best of luck. She has goals and aspirations that she’s very passionate about and I’m sure we’ll see her name in lights sooner than later!